In Pladia, Objects represent the items in your institution's collection. For instance, if you were organizing an exhibition featuring a specific artist, the artworks showcased would be categorized as Objects linked to that Creator in the Console. Although you may rotate Objects on display, it is recommended to input all Objects in your collection into the Console during the initial setup phase.
As you progress through the setup, you can assign select Objects to specific Curated Experiences by utilizing Tags. Curated Experiences offer visitors engaging and seamless touring opportunities, by allowing both Objects and Spaces to be utilized as exploratory anchors.
Only Objects that are both 'On Display' and published will be visible to visitors in the PWA. While only the Object title is required for publishing, any additional content added to the Object, such as audio or images, must also be 'On Display' and published to appear in the app.
Steps to add your Objects to the Pladia Console
Broken down into three parts - Details, Placement, and Content Blocks
Select Objects from the left navigation in the Console.
Search for an existing Object using the search bar, or create a new Object by selecting Create Object in the upper right-hand corner.
Add details to your Object, including Object Name, Media/Materials, Dates, Wall ID (wall label ID), External ID (the ID associated with the Object in all other systems of record), and a Hero Image.
Add an Image by clicking the plus sign (+) shown.
Add the Creator of the Object by selecting Add Creator.
Add Tags to your Object by selecting Add Tag.
To use an already existing Tag, simply type the tagged word and hit Enter.
To create a new Tag, begin typing the word you wish to make a Tag, then select Create Tag.
If the Tag already exists, the Console will prompt you accordingly.
To add sound to your Object select Audio from the drop down menu.
a. Click on the plus sign (+) next to No Audio
b. Select your audio by:
i. Searching for an already uploaded audio file
ii. Dropping in a new file, OR
iii. Choosing one from your computer
c. Then click Select to finish.
8. Finalize the App Presentation (how the Object will appear to visitors) by selecting the drop down menu. Note: This setting applies only to the Hero Image. It will not effect any images in your content blocks.
a. Choose the default image ratio (as specified in the app settings),
i. Cropped (image fills frame), OR
ii. Un-cropped.
9. To finalize your Object Details, select Save New.
a. To make future edits, return to the Object's Details tab anytime.
When placing your Objects you have two options available:
Position the pin for the Object on the map in the exact location it lives in your institution(positioned), OR
Assign the Object to a Space without indicating on the map the object's physical location(un-positioned)
Steps to Place an Object(Positioned)
Select the Placement tab for the Object to define its location within your institution.
Use the drop-down menu on the upper left-hand side of your screen to select the Venue/Building.
Click on Add Position in the upper-right corner or select Dropped Pin from the Type drop down.
βUse your cursor to place the Object drop pin, select a Space, then select Save Draft Changes.
Steps to Place an Object(Un-Positioned)
Select the Placement tab for the Object to define its location within your institution.
Use the drop-down menu on the upper left-hand side of your screen to select the Venue/Building.
Leave Type as Not Positioned
Click on the plus sign (+) next to No Space
βSelect the correct Space, click Select, then select Save Draft Changes.
Editing Placement of an Object
To edit the position of an Object, simply click back into the Object, go to the Placement tab, and select Edit Position.
Content Blocks
For additional details regarding the use of Content Blocks, please see the Content Blocks article here.
To add content to your Object, select the Content tab.
Click on the plus (+) sign to reveal the content options.
Once satisfied with your Content entry, select Done in the lower right-hand corner.
Continue adding all Objects until you have completed this process for your collection (unless adding a single Object).
Congratulations! You have successfully added Objects to the Console. Please feel free to reach out to Customer Success if you have further questions.