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Advanced Tagging

For understanding the Tag Manager, Tag Usage, and Featured Tags

Lindsey Greene avatar
Written by Lindsey Greene
Updated over a week ago

Tags play a crucial role in customizing your institution's PWA experience by serving as customizable labels that organize and connect different objects and experiences. They allow operators to categorize content, enhance navigation, and create a more engaging experience for visitors. Tags can highlight specific Objects, exhibitions, features, or themes. Additionally, Tags can be private for internal use, used for categorization, or featured on the PWA landing page to spotlight particular objects or collections.

  • The Tag Manager serves as the central hub for organizing tag taxonomy in the console. It enables your team to review tag groups, add extended details to specific tags, and manage them effectively.

  • Featured Tags provide an additional layer of customization by allowing your institution to feature specific tags on the PWA landing page. This helps in highlighting important tags for visitors.

By effectively leveraging Tags, you can lead guests through your exhibits, captivating their interest and deepening their comprehension for a truly engaging journey. Tags serve as the gateway to a seamless transition between self-guided exploration and curated experiences, empowering visitors to effortlessly navigate your venue by selecting Tags that pique their interest.

Tags not only enhance the experience of exploring objects in the PWA, but they can also be leveraged to spotlight unique facets of your venue. Moreover, you have the flexibility to use Tags for internal organization only, allowing you to manage behind-the-scenes details effectively without displaying them publicly.

Below we’ll dive deeper into tagging by breaking it down into three categories: Tag Manager, Tag Usage, and Featured Tags

Tag Manager

  1. To access the Tag Manager, select Tag Manager in the left navigation.

  2. From here, you can create new Tags, delete existing Tags, edit existing Tags, and add new Tag groups.

  3. To create a new Tag, select Create Tag at the bottom of any Tag list (this includes the Ungrouped list)

  4. Begin typing your Tag name, then hit Enter on your computer to save the new Tag.

  5. To delete an existing Tag, click the X to the right of the Tag.

    1. Reconfirm that you wish to delete the Tag.

    2. The Tag will now be deleted and you will be returned to the Tag Manager landing page.

  6. To edit an existing Tag, click the Tag you wish to update.

    1. Update the Tag name, add a photo, add a description, or choose to make the Tag private.

      1. If a Tag is currently featured, you cannot make it private.

    2. Once finished, select Save.

  7. To create a new Tag group, scroll to the far right of the screen and select Add a Group.

    1. Begin typing the group name and add tags before selecting Enter to finish.

Quick Tip

  • Are you looking to review a list of Objects associated with a specific Tag?

    • Select Objects from the left navigation in the Console.

    • Use the search bar in the upper right-hand corner to search for a Tag.

    • A list of all associated Objects will pop up for review.

Tag Usage

  1. You can find all Tags associated with a particular Object under Objects in the left navigation.

  2. Select the Object you wish to review from the Object list.

  3. Scroll down the Object details page to the Tags section.

    1. You can review all Tags associated with that particular Object

    2. To add more tags, select Add Tag and begin typing.

    3. Once you finish typing, select Enter on your computer to finish.

  4. If you are done adding Tags, select Add Draft Changes in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen.

Quick Tip

  • To edit a current Tag or any of its associated details, you can navigate to the Tag Manager directly from the Tags section of any Object.

  • To do this, select Add Tag, and then select the Tag Manager option.

Featured Tags

  1. Under App Settings in the Console, you can designate Featured Tags.

    1. When a Tag is marked as Featured in Pladia, it will be prominently displayed on your PWA landing page.

    2. This allows visitors to easily select a Curated Experience, which consists of Objects also using the same Featured Tag.

      1. To note: Your visitors will be able to navigate to similar Objects using any Tag, not just Featured Tags, but featured Tags are visible on your PWA landing page.

  2. To begin this process, select App Settings in the left navigation.

  3. Click on the Configured Application you would like to add Featured Tags to.

  4. On the Featured Tags tab, select Add Tag to begin this process.

  5. Once you have finished adding Featured Tags (you are allowed up to 6), select Done or Add draft changes in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen.

Ideas For Featured Tags

  • Connected Artwork

    • A Featured Tag can be used to curate a grouping of objects intended to be enjoyed collectively.

    • By using a Featured Tag to tie Objects together into one guided experience, the group will be accessible on your PWA landing page.

      • In this scenario, the only prep work is creating a Featured Tag, and ensuring the Featured Tag is attached to the desired Objects.

  • Visitor Information

    • A Featured Tag can be used for organizing visitor information, making it immediately accessible on your PWA landing page.

      • In this scenario, an operator might have a Featured Tag called Visitor Information, and then several Objects that represent details of importance to visitors (i.e. Hours and Admission).

      • This allows the Content Block for the Object to be used as well, for housing more information and outside links (i.e. ticketing link, etc).

  • Kids and Families

    • A Featured Tag can be used to curate a grouping of objects intended for children and families.

    • By using a Featured Tag to tie all child-appropriate Objects together, the group will be accessible on your PWA landing page.

If you have any other questions about Tagging in Pladia, please feel free to reach out to the Customer Success team.

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