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Configuring the Application
Configuring the Application

Instructions for Configuring your Pladia Empower App Settings

Lindsey Greene avatar
Written by Lindsey Greene
Updated over a week ago

After successfully setting up the Pladia Console, the next crucial step is to configure the application. By fine-tuning the application settings, you can begin reviewing the end-user experience and enable visitors to start using Pladia at your institution.

In this help article we’ll walk you through configuring the application from start to finish. To note: every attribute within your Console must be ‘On Display’ and published publicly to be visible on a mobile device.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact the Customer Success team for further assistance.

Steps to Configuring the Application in the Pladia Console

The following options can be found in App Settings, the third option down in the left navigation.

The App Settings are broken down into four parts - App Details, Featured Tags, Featured Spaces, and Onboarding

App Details

1. To begin this process, select Create App in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

2. Under App Details, select your Venue, create an App Name, add a Subtitle, select Feature Flags (such as turning on/off the ability to access the QR scanner and Wall IDs.)

3. If you have added a Map that you would like to enable for your Visitors to see in the app you will need to add it to the app in this screen as well.

a. Click on the "+" to select your Map Set

b. This will open a separate screen where you can select the Map Set

Maps are included in the note above and must be "On-Display" to be visible in your Empower PWA for your visitors.

4. Lastly on this screen you can update your App Presentation.

a. You can choose from the Color Schemes configured for your account.

b. As well as a Default Image Ratio.

Note: In other parts of the Console, No Selection: Style Inherited is referencing the global App Presentation assigned here.

5. Once completed, select Save New at the bottom right-hand corner of the page.

Featured Tags

  1. Navigate to the Featured Tags tab of the app you are working on.

    1. When a Tag is marked as Featured in Pladia, it will be prominently displayed on your PWA landing page.

    2. This allows visitors to easily select a Curated Experience, which consists of Objects also using the same Feature Tag.

      1. To note: Your visitors will be able to navigate to similar Objects using any Tag, not just Featured Tags, but featured Tags are visible on your PWA landing page.

  2. Select Add Tag to begin this process.

    1. Continue adding Featured Tags until you have completed the process.

  1. To note: You may add up to 6 Featured Tags to a single application.

  1. Once finished adding Featured Tags, select Save Draft Changes in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen.

    1. To note: Featured Tags won’t be visible to your visitors until all attributes have been Put on Display, Published Publicly and the application has been configured.

Featured Spaces

  1. Navigate to the Featured Spaces tab of the app you are working on.

    1. When a Space is marked as Featured in Pladia, it will be prominently displayed on your PWA landing page.

    2. This allows visitors to easily select a particular Space of interest.

  2. Begin adding Featured Spaces using the search bar.

    1. Once you have finished this process, select Save Draft Changes in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen.

  • Don’t forget - Featured Spaces won’t be visible to your visitors until all attributes have been Put on Display, Published Publicly and the application has been configured.


  1. Navigate to the Onboarding tab of the app you are working on.

    1. The Onboarding screen allows you to create a personalized experience for visitors using your Empower PWA for the first-time.

      1. By customizing the messaging that appears when visitors initially access the app, you can ensure they receive the right information and set the tone for their experience.

  2. Customize Your Message in the Onboarding tab.

    1. Craft a welcome message, provide important information, or include acknowledgments that align with your institution's values.

      1. Tip: Some of our Australian customers use this feature to display an Acknowledgement of Country, ensuring that visitors are greeted with a culturally significant message.

  3. Once you’ve completed your custom messaging, select Save Draft Changes in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen.

If you choose not to customize this section, the PWA will automatically use our general onboarding messaging, which is spread over two screens.

  • Don’t forget - Your onboarding messaging won’t be visible to your visitors until it has been Put on Display and Published Publicly.

    • As a reminder: A Preview Bundle will only be visible to your Console operators.

      • A Public bundle will be visible to both your Console operators and your visitors immediately after publishing.

Congratulations on successfully configuring the application! Should you have any additional questions or concerns about the application, please feel free to reach out to our Customer Success team. We are here to offer assistance and recommendations for anything you may require.

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